Establishing diversity and emphasizing the protection of cultures and religions in Iraq were the key points discussed during the meeting of Aghajan with the U.S. Embassy delegation.

  • 25-09-2024, 16:43
  • Iraq
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the importance of protecting religious and cultural diversity in Iraq.

Rami Joseph Aghajan, the head of the Office of Christian, Yezidi, and Mandaean Endowments, emphasized the importance of protecting religious and cultural diversity in Iraq.

In a statement from the Office of Endowments, it was noted that Aghajan received Michelle Siders, the head of the political section at the U.S. Embassy, and Danit Sullivan, who is responsible for human rights and religious and ethnic minorities. They discussed the challenges facing these communities in the country and the role of the office in strengthening their presence in the region.

During the meeting, Aghajan highlighted the importance of protecting religious and cultural diversity in Iraq, pointing out the efforts the office is making to support the religious institutions of Christians, Yezidis, and Mandaeans. They also reviewed programs and initiatives the office intends to implement to promote interfaith dialogue and support peaceful coexistence.

In this context, Dr. Aghajan mentioned the office's plan to protect the properties of religious communities, which includes high-level coordination with the Supreme Judicial Council and the Ministry of Justice to ensure these communities' rights to their properties.

For their part, the embassy's assistant and the religious minorities section head expressed their appreciation for the efforts of the office and emphasized the importance of cooperation among all parties to achieve greater stability and support for religious communities in Iraq.

The meeting was attended by the General Director of Endowments for the provinces, Engineer Khalil Shamu Khidida, and the General Director of Mandaean Affairs, Engineer Raafat Jasim Mahawi.