The Iraqi Parliament is preparing to discuss a proposal to amend the Personal Status Law and the General Amnesty Law in a session scheduled for tomorrow Monday.

  • 15-09-2024, 11:17
  • Iraq
+A -A

According to the parliamentary media office, the agenda for Monday's session includes "voting on the draft law for the return of properties to their owners affected by certain decisions of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council, as well as voting on the draft law for the leasing of agricultural lands."

It also includes the report and discussion of the second reading of the proposed amendment to the Personal Status Law No. (188) of 1959, specifically articles 2 and 10, and the report and discussion of the second reading of the draft law for the second amendment to the General Amnesty Law No. (27) of 2016.

Additionally, the session will cover the completion of the first reading of the draft law on the protection of intellectual property and the completion of the first reading of the draft law on civil aviation.