The judiciary ends the controversy over the amendment of the Personal Status Law and debunks the distortion of medias and falsehoods about it.

  • 22-09-2024, 17:00
  • Iraq
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the Personal Status Law No. (188) of 1959

The Supreme Judicial Council hosted a meeting today, Sunday, to discuss the draft amendment to the Personal Status Law No. (188) of 1959, as amended.

In a statement, the Judiciary's media office noted that during the meeting, the provisions of the mentioned draft law were reviewed, revealing inaccuracies in the media statements that misrepresent the amendment project. These statements inaccurately suggest that the goal is to "marry minors, deprive mothers of custody, deny wives alimony, and prevent daughters from inheriting real estate." Such representations contradict the truth and intent of this amendment. It was clarified that the basis for amending the existing Personal Status Law is rooted in Article (41) of the Iraqi Constitution of 2005, which states, "Iraqis are free to adhere to their personal status according to their religions, beliefs, or choices, and this shall be regulated by law." Therefore, matters concerning personal status are a personal choice, but in accordance with a law issued by the House of Representatives.

Furthermore, it was stated that the original draft law does not address detailed provisions related to family matters such as marriage, divorce, custody, alimony, and other issues pertaining to religious and jurisprudential aspects. Instead, these topics will be referred to a code of religious rulings that will be prepared later by the Scientific Council in the Shia Endowment Office and the Scientific and Fatwa Council in the Sunni Endowment Office, in coordination with the Supreme Judicial Council, and presented to the House of Representatives for approval within six months from the date of the law's enactment.

Attending the meeting from the Supreme Judicial Council were Vice Presidents of the Court of Cassation Kazem Abbas and Hassan Fouad, Senior Judge in the Personal Status and Family Affairs Authority Saleh Shumakhi, and Head of Judicial Supervision Judge Laith Jabr. From the House of Representatives, the attendees included council members Dunya Abdul Jabbar Al-Shammari, Basim Nighimish Al-Ghareebawi, Raed Hamdan Al-Maliki, Muhammad Jassim Al-Khafaji, Hussein Ali Al-Yasari, and Murtada Ali Al-Saadi.