Al-Awla Channel: Special Investigation
In a controversial development, Cardinal Louis Sako, Patriarch of the Chaldean Church, published his autobiography on a site called the College of Cardinals Report, a site dedicated to the biographies of cardinals. However, the content of the biography caused a stir due to accusations made by Sako against the Iraqi president and another Iraqi leader regarding alleged attempts to seize Christian endowments. Despite the denial of these allegations by the concerned individuals, the issue escalated notably after Sako claimed that the site publishing the article was officially affiliated with the Vatican.
The article published on the site included explicit accusations from Cardinal Sako against prominent Iraqi figures attempting to control Christian endowments. Sako then republished the article on the official website of the Chaldean Patriarchate, indicating that the site he relied on for publishing his biography was officially affiliated with the Vatican, adding more weight to his statements.
The article quickly spread, being used by social media pages and media outlets to support Sako's position and attack his opponents.
Investigations Reveal the Truth
To learn more about the authenticity of the site Sako relied on, Al-Oula English contacted a high-level journalistic source in the Vatican. The response was unequivocal: the site is not affiliated with the Vatican and does not represent its official views. The source explained that the Vatican relies on only 83 official domains for communication and announcing its positions, and the domain where Sako published his biography was not among them.
The source confirmed that the Vatican maintains a neutral stance, respecting all leaders in Iraq without siding with any party.
Repercussions of the Publication
The revelation that the site is not affiliated with the Vatican sparked a wave of criticism towards Cardinal Sako, with some seeing the use of an unofficial site to make serious accusations as potentially damaging to his credibility and weakening the Chaldean Church's position in ongoing disputes.
Calls for Clarification and Accountability
Al-Awla English calls on the Chaldean Patriarchate to provide clarifications on why it relied on an unofficial site and presented it as an entity affiliated with the Vatican.
The Church's Position and Lessons Learned
This crisis highlights the need for accuracy in using sources, especially by religious figures who hold influential roles in their communities. As the controversy escalates, the Chaldean Church faces a difficult test to maintain its credibility and strengthen the trust of its followers amid political and religious conflicts.
In light of these developments, the question remains: Will the Patriarchate issue a statement clarifying the situation?
Sudani: No chance to discuss changing the political system in Iraq.