In Preparation for Christmas... An Ecumenical Brotherhood in Basra Continues to Serve the Needy Without Discrimination

  • 28-11-2024, 12:49
  • Iraq
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In Preparation for Christmas... An Ecumenical Brotherhood in Basra Continues to Serve the Needy Without Discrimination

The Samaritan Ecumenical Church Brotherhood in Basra, Iraq, is preparing to launch its ninth annual charity market at the beginning of December, coinciding with the preparations for the glorious Christmas season and New Year.

In this regard, Father Aram Pano, priest of the Archdiocese of Basra and the Chaldean South and head of the Brotherhood, told "ACI MENA" that the Brotherhood seeks, through organizing similar charitable activities, to provide the necessary financial support to sustain its ecumenical activities and services, which are keen to be offered to the poor, the sick, and all those in need without discrimination.

He mentioned the deteriorating living conditions in Basra following 2003 and the existence of marginalized and neglected cases in need of spiritual and humanitarian support more than material support. He pointed out that this reality was a motivator to launch a charitable project that helps the needy, whether they are Christians or non-Christians.

He continued: "In 2008, the idea of establishing an ecumenical Brotherhood that includes members from all churches in Basra emerged, following my participation in a rich experience lived by a group of secular youth, accompanied by Sister Susan Kroomi of the Presentation Sisters, during our assistance to an elderly man who was living alone in a room next to the cemetery." Pano explained that the members seek to emulate the "Good Samaritan," who initiates free help without fear, hesitation, or discrimination, deserving to be close to those "with whom he made mercy." He added, "We chose the Good Samaritan as the name for our Brotherhood to remind us of the duty of each one of us to be 'close' to anyone in need of 'mercy,' following his example.

In Preparation for Christmas... An Ecumenical Brotherhood in Basra Continues to Serve the Needy Without Discrimination

The Brotherhood members do not only provide their efforts in charitable work, but their donations and contributions were, for a long period, the first and only source of funding for the Brotherhood's work. "Today, benefactors from Basra and friends and churches around the world help provide financial support for their humanitarian activities, alongside the continuous contributions of the members," according to Pano.

Over the past years, the Samaritan Ecumenical Brotherhood has been keen on reaching out to the marginalized and neglected, assisting child care institutions, orphanages, and hospitals, as well as following up on those in need of material or medical assistance, especially patients with incurable diseases.

Pano emphasized the Brotherhood's efforts to spread the culture of respecting others and rejecting discrimination among the components of the Iraqi people for any reason. He added, "Our goal is to spread the spirit of peaceful and brotherly coexistence in the Basra community. We strive, through holding spiritual meetings and religious hymn evenings, to stimulate the spirit of love and intimacy.

He concluded his speech by inviting the people of Basra to participate in the upcoming charity market, the proceeds of which will be entirely allocated to support the Brotherhood's humanitarian activities. He thanked all its members for their love and selfless giving and all the people of Basra for their constant support of their charitable activities.