The Cabinet Secretariat: Continuous official and public mobilization to aid the Lebanese people.

  • 29-09-2024, 20:49
  • Iraq / Middle East
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The General Secretariat of the Cabinet confirmed on Sunday the continued official and public mobilization to aid the Lebanese people.

The General Secretariat of the Cabinet confirmed on Sunday the continued official and public mobilization to aid the Lebanese people. 

Spokesman Haider Majid stated, "Iraq was among the first to initiate support for the brotherly Lebanese people, and there is an official and public mobilization in response to the clear and direct call from the religious authority, which urged the Iraqi people to support the Lebanese."

He mentioned that "the government has sent several relief shipments, as has the Hussaini Shrine, and these shipments are ongoing. The Ministry of Health is in constant communication with its counterpart in Lebanon around the clock to provide all the necessary supplies for hospitals in Lebanon."

He confirmed, "Hospitals in Baghdad and the holy shrines are prepared to receive the wounded, with all necessary supplies arranged and several hospitals and health centers designated for this purpose."

He added, "The Red Crescent has taken measures to set up equipment, vehicles, and mobile health centers on the border with Syria to receive any Lebanese wounded arriving."

Earlier, the General Secretariat of the Cabinet announced the arrival of 75 tons of Iraqi aid and medical supplies to Lebanon, noting that these were sent in five batches, three of which were for the Popular Mobilization Forces.