Pope Francis sends a message to the cardinals of the world regarding the future of the Church.

  • 20-09-2024, 15:38
  • World
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Pope Francis to the cardinals

Pope Francis has asked the cardinals of the world to be aware that they are faced with strategic decisions that must be made with a high sense of responsibility, as they are called to secure the future of the Church's mission.

In a message from the Holy Father to all the cardinals, published today by the Vatican Press Office, the Pope explained that the reform of the Roman Curia, the central administration of the Vatican, began about ten years ago, and the Holy See has been reorganized through the apostolic constitution "Praedicate Evangelium."

Francis noted that the aim was to make the Roman Curia a supportive element for the successor of Peter in exercising the apostolic work for the good of the universal Church and local churches and their service. The Holy Father acknowledged the efforts of the men and women working on the implementation of this reform.

He told the cardinals that they have been given the task, in their supportive role to the Roman Pontiff, to accompany those engaged in this transformative process. He thanked them for what they have done and continue to do.