The Parliamentary Finance Committee: Salaries for employees for the years 2024 and 2025 are fully secured.

  • 16-09-2024, 14:22
  • Economy
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On Monday, member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Kujar, stated that the media rumors about the lack of assurance for employee salaries are unfounded.

Kujar added that the Ministry of Finance is not facing any issues in securing salaries, even if oil prices decline, because salaries are already secured in advance. Additionally, the government has a large cash reserve that it can use in emergency situations.

He continued that salaries for the coming year are also fully secured, noting that the government has developed a plan to increase its financial resources, which will enhance its ability to meet its financial obligations to employees.

Kujar also mentioned that the Finance Committee will work on pressing various ministries to improve their performance and increase their resources, contributing to greater economic stability, according to the official newspaper.

He clarified that the government has adequate resources and financial plans to ensure the continuity of salary payments, reassuring employees about the stability of their financial situation this year and next year.