Al-Sudani Appoints Al-Shatri as Head of Iraqi Intelligence Service.

  • 19-12-2024, 22:45
  • Iraq
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Al-Sudani Appoints Al-Shatri as Head of Iraqi Intelligence Service.

The Iraqi government announced on Thursday that Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, has appointed Hamid Rashid Faleh Al-Shatri as the head of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service.

Government spokesperson Bassem Al-Awadi explained in a statement today that "this appointment comes as part of supporting the work of the service, serving Iraq, and maintaining its security and stability, given Al-Shatri's expertise and outstanding performance in the security field.

A government source stated on Wednesday that Prime Minister Al-Sudani issued an order appointing Hamid Al-Shatri as head of the Intelligence Service and Omar Al-Waeli as head of the Border Ports Authority.

Al-Shatri previously held the position of head of the National Security Service.

According to the same source, Al-Sudani has reappointed Omar Al-Waeli as head of the Border Ports Authority after a period of suspension from the position.