Six Dead and 60 Injured in Fire at Nursing Home in Jordan.

  • 13-12-2024, 11:26
  • World
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Six Dead and 60 Injured in Fire at Nursing Home in Jordan.

Six people died and 60 were injured in a fire at a nursing home in the Jordanian capital, Amman, according to the official Petra news agency.

Minister of Social Development, Wafa Bani Mustafa, stated that the fire broke out on the first floor of the White Family Association's nursing home.

She indicated that the victims were residents of the home, and among the injured, five cases are "severely injured.

The minister mentioned that the fire spread over an area of 80 meters in the center, which houses 111 residents, and the remaining elderly were evacuated to other centers.

The injured were taken to government hospitals for necessary treatment.

The minister confirmed the safety of all evacuated residents and noted that investigations are ongoing to determine the cause of the fire.

Jordanian Prime Minister Jaafar Hassan visited the injured at Al-Bashir Hospital in Amman and emphasized providing the necessary medical care for them.