Pope Francis: Let the weapons be silenced and let dialogue take its place.

  • 6-11-2024, 23:16
  • World
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Pope Francis: Let the weapons be silenced and let dialogue take its place.

Pope Francis requested today, after reciting the Angelus prayer with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City, prayers for Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, and South Sudan. He added, "Let war be banned and let issues be addressed with truth and negotiations." Let the weapons be silenced and let room be made for dialogue.
Francis also greeted representatives of a group from Rome who raised a banner recalling the first article of the Italian Constitution, which states Italy's renunciation of war as a means of aggression against the freedom of other peoples or as a means of settling international disputes. He encouraged the application of this text throughout the world.
Before the prayer, the Supreme Pontiff explained today's gospel (Mark 12:28–34) about one of the many discussions Jesus had in the Temple of Jerusalem, where one of the scribes approached him and asked, "Which commandment is the first of all?" Jesus answered by combining two fundamental words from the Mosaic Law: "You shall love the Lord your God" and "You shall love your neighbor." Francis added that with this question, the writer is seeking the principle upon which everything is based: "The Jews had several commandments, and they often debated which of the commandments is the greatest and upon which the rest of the commandments depend." This question is also essential for us, for our lives and our journey of faith.
Then he mentioned that sometimes we feel scattered amidst many things and ask ourselves, "In the end, what is the most important?" Where can I find the axis from which everything else radiates? Jesus answered by merging two commandments that were initially separate: love of God and love of neighbor. The Pope considered that this summarizes the entire law and the prophets and is the heart of Christian life.

The Pope emphasized the need to return to the heart of life and faith, because the heart is the source and root of all other forces, convictions, emotions, and choices. According to the teachings of Jesus, everything is love, and we should never separate God from man.
And he mentioned that when the Lord comes, He will first ask us to account for the love we knew how to give but did not give. Therefore, it is essential to establish in our hearts the most important commandment: to love God and our neighbor. At the end of his speech, Pope Francis invited the faithful to ask themselves: Is love for God and neighbor the center of my life? Does my prayer to God lead me to turn towards my brothers and love them with dedication? Do I see the presence of the Lord in the faces of others?