The Vatican envoy reveals thousands of Christians in Yemen and their fate after the war.      

  • 25-10-2024, 18:20
  • World
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The Vatican envoy reveals thousands of Christians in Yemen and their fate after the war.

The Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported that a bishop in Yemen is working alongside two groups of sisters from the Missionaries of Charity of St. Teresa of Kolkata to build interfaith connections through charitable service in Yemen.
In his speech published on the "CNA" network in Arabic, Bishop Paolo Martinelli, who serves as the Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia, emphasized the special importance of interfaith dialogue in Yemen.
Regarding the work of his office in interfaith dialogue and ecumenical dialogue (the dialogue among Christians of different denominations and backgrounds on contentious issues and relations with other religions), Martinelli discussed his jurisdiction, which covers Yemen, the UAE, and Oman.
He explained that religious workers in Yemen help anyone in need, regardless of their beliefs, pointing out that "these devoted individuals show how love can open hearts and bring together different religions.
Martinielli also described the Yemeni people as kind and reserved and said he believes his office will help in "supporting religious freedom for all religions there.
He pointed out that after 10 years of civil war in Yemen, the number of Christians has significantly decreased from thousands to just a few hundred Catholics.