الصفحة الرئيسية / Turkish Defense Ministry 5 terrorists from the PKK neutralized in airstrikes in northern Iraq

Turkish Defense Ministry 5 terrorists from the PKK neutralized in airstrikes in northern Iraq

The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced successful airstrikes in northern Iraq, resulting in the neutralization of 5 members of the PKK. The statement from the ministry clarified that the strikes targeted the terrorists' positions in the Afashin region, emphasizing that the organization will not escape the "inevitable fate" awaiting it 

The ministry confirmed the continuation of its operations against the PKK, which carries out attacks on Turkish soil and is active in several countries in the region, such as Syria, Iraq, and Iran. It is noted that the PKK uses the Qandil Mountains in northern Iraq as its base for carrying out attacks

Turkish Defense Ministry: 5 terrorists from the PKK neutralized in airstrikes in northern Iraq

10-09-2024, 11:50
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